Why aren't you looking at military housing in San Diego? It's managed by Lincoln Military Housing (a civilian contracting company), so you'll have all kinds of amenities like landscaping, free house maintenance, security (military security if you're close enough to a base), and all utilities, trash, etc covered by just your housing allowance. Considering the cost of living in San Diego (think avg $1200 rent plus utilities and everything else), you'll have bigger, nicer, and more well maintained quarters by staying in housing instead of renting on your own. You can still compare renting areas to housing though, it's not like you have to choose one or the other. Housing is just more convenient and more bang for your buck. Not to mention, being in a community that fully understands sea separation and Navy lifestyle.
Rank, number of dependents, and whether your husband is officer or enlisted makes a difference on what housing areas you can live in. Officers can live in housing on base, while enlisted live in housing communities off-base. Some enlisted communities are large enough to be split by rank, so that the E1-E6 with fewer dependents live in smaller quarters, and E6 and above with more dependents live in larger quarters.
Having been in San Diego for 20 yrs, of all the cities there I'd say that Coronado is by far the nicest, safest, most quiet and non-partying suburb you could live in. The only reason I wouldn't recommend it is it's so high-class that the rent is out of your budget, BUT the housing is just the BAH and nothing more. That's the great thing about housing - you can live in a very, very nice part of town and pay a fraction of what civilians pay to live there.
Coronado's Silver Strand housing is also near three major bases - NAS North Island (has a commissary, NEX, major MWR amenities), NAB Coronado (two mini-NEXs and a few MWR amenities), and is across the bay from NAVBASE San Diego (the central hub of the Navy in San Diego, so it has literally everything). NAB is actually so close you could walk there.
If not Silver Strand, then Admiral Hartman and Chesterton are also fairly nice. Murphy Canyon will put you closer to San Diego State (about 10 mi away). Lincoln website for San Diego: http://www.lincolnmilitary.com/Installations/naval-complex-san-diego/
Pacific Beacon is also cheaper, but according to their website it's currently open only to service members w/o dependents (single and geographic bachelors). However, I've heard a rumor that they may open it up to service member plus spouse. Check on that by the time you get here, because you'll be able to keep the difference in you BAH if you don't spend all $1900. http://www.pacificbeacon.com/